After more than 40 years of groundbreaking Deaf-centered programming, DEAF Media has completed the successful transition of its existing programs to collaborating partners. We now focus only on the archiving of the organization’s remarkable history and consulting with those who can carry forward its vision. Check back here as the website will begin to document that history. |
DEAF Media Projects
Since its formation, DEAF Media has had only four directors: Ed Ingham, Betsy Ford, Howie Seago, and, since 1981, Dr. Susan Rutherford. Under their leadership, the organization has promoted Deaf arts and artists and pioneered Deaf-centered programming, including:
- Silent Perspectives(PBS) the first Deaf-centered, Deaf-produced television series broadcast in the country; its debut in 1974 formally established DEAF Media
- Rainbow’s End(PBS) the first nationally televised program for Deaf children
- Celebration Deaf Artists and Performers the first continuing series of live productions focused on Deaf arts and culture and showcasing the talents of nationally known Deaf performers and visual artists
- Deaf Education and Arts Network (DEAN) an innovative program that placed Deaf storyteller/role models into Deaf classrooms in some 20 California public schools
- Project Story: Literature for Deaf Children providing entertaining access to written literature for Deaf children and stimulating interest in reading
- DEAF Media Presents a variety of gallery exhibitions, one-person shows, and theater productions featuring Deaf visual and performing artists
- DEAF Media Roundtable Forums targeted discussions between Deaf and hearing artists or featuring prominent Deaf scholars
- and, on-going Information, Referral & Consulting services
And Programming with,
DEAF Media Partnerships
Over the years, the organization has worked with other Bay Area institutions to produce innovative programming, academic resources and cultural events, including:
- DEAF Media at the Oakland Museum, in collaboration with the Oakland Museum of California and, now, DCARA—a series of Deaf-led museum tours and arts events for Deaf families
- DEAF Media Docents, in collaboration with Oakland Museum of California, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, Yerba Buena Center and other Bay Area arts organizations—a program that nurtured Deaf resources for museums and provided meaningful Deaf led access to exhibits for the Deaf community
- American Culture: The Deaf Perspective, in collaboration with the San Francisco Public Library—a multipart video exploration of Deaf culture and a series of lectures based on the work of Dr. Susan Rutherford
- DEAF Media at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, in collaboration with YBCA—a series of one-person performances featuring Deaf artists; panel discussions; and salons
- Feast for the Eyes, in collaboration with the California School for the Deaf and Ohlone College—an annual celebration of sign language and the Deaf art of storytelling
DEAF Media
By The Numbers:
For over 40 years, DEAF Media has worked to secure recognition
of the arts, culture and language of Deaf America--and, to
provide meaningful access and participation for the Deaf community
to Bay Area cultural institutions.
Here are just some of our accomplishments
- 3 Emmy Awards for pioneering television work serving the Deaf community
- 6 DEAF Media Salons with Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
- 8 Annual Deaf Showcases at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
- 8 Productions of Celebration: Deaf Artists and Performers, the first
continuing festival and symposia of Deaf artists and performers
- 8 Episodes of Rainbow's End (KQED-PBS) the first and only national
TV series for Deaf children
- 8 Additional television productions
- 33 DEAF Media productions featuring Deaf Artists and storytellers as
part of Oakland Museum festivals
- 12 Professional gallery exhibitions for Deaf artists
- 24 Feasts for the Eyes celebrating ASL storytelling
- 22 Professional development workshops for Deaf artists
- 26 Additional live productions of Deaf presentations
- 81 DEAF Media family programs with Deaf Artists at the Oakland Museum
of California
- 88 Percent Deaf majority Board
- 84 Deaf Docents Tours of the Bay Area arts museums
- 133 Episodes of Silent Perspectives (KCSM-PBS), the first TV talk show
of, by, and for the Deaf
- 338 Deaf-centered co productions with Bay Area arts and education partners
- 611 Weeks of Dial a News, the nations first TTY Community Bulletin Board
- 30 PBS/ITVS Community Cinema Partnered Presentations
- And thousands of Deaf and hearing students, teachers and parents enlightened
by the Deaf storytellers of the DEAN project and Project Story

Copyright © 1974-2019, DEAF Media, Inc. All Rights reserved.
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